GeoMx DSP Region of Interest (ROI) Workshop – Vanderbilt University

Virtual Seminar
Virtual (Zoom)

Join us virtually for an educational workshop where you will learn more about the different region of interest (area selected within a tissue sample to measure gene or protein expression) selection strategies that are available, and how to determine which one is better suited for your project. This is a critical element of the project planning process that will heavily impact the success of your study.

With the GeoMx® DSP platform, ROI selection is highly flexible and customizable allowing you to select desired regions of the tissue. This session will be highly beneficial to researchers that are in the planning stages of a DSP project, or are interested in running a project in the near future.

GeoMx® Digital Spatial Profiler for Spatial Biology

GeoMx DSP: Spatial profile the whole
transcriptome and 100+ protein
targets from FFPE and fresh
frozen tissue

Example of GeoMx ROI Selection – Geometric Profiling Strategy


Jasmine Madrigal, PhD

Field Application Scientist, NanoString Technologies

Dr. Jasmine Madrigal holds a PhD in Microbiology from the University of Florida, where she specialized in Norovirus interactions with commensal bacteria. She joined NanoString as a Field Application Scientist covering the Southeast and brings with her an expertise in molecular biology and microbiology to support her customers. Beyond the lab, she is committed to sustainability efforts and brings a holistic approach to making a meaningful impact in the scientific realm.