OLD Category: FFPE

January 15, 2024 / Life (Basel)

  • Suwatthanarak T, Thanormjit K, Suwatthanarak T, Acharayothin O, Methasate A, Chinswangwatanakul V, Tanjak P
Stage 4 colon cancer (CC) presents a significant global health challenge due to its poor prognosis and limited treatment options. Tetraspanins, the transmembrane proteins involved in crucial cancer processes, have…
January 12, 2024 / Am J Transplant

  • Nevarez-Mejia J, Pickering H, Sosa RA, Valenzuela NM, Fishbein GA, Baldwin WM 3rd, Fairchild RL, Reed EF
Cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV) causes late graft failure and mortality after heart transplantation. Donor-specific antibodies (DSAs) lead to chronic endothelial cell injury, inflammation, and arterial intimal thickening. In this study,…
January 9, 2024 / JCI Insight

  • Ihle CL, Straign DM, Canari JA, Torkko KC, Zolman KL, Smith EE, Owens P
Metastatic breast cancer (mBC) tissue in bone was systematically profiled to define the composition of the tumor microenvironment. Gene expression identified a high myeloid signature of patients with improved survival…
January 9, 2024 / Sci Rep

  • Lothert PK, Fedyshyn B, Girard S, Chakraborty R, Norgan AP, Enninga EAL
Villitis of unknown etiology (VUE) is a prevalent inflammatory pathology of the placenta characterized by infiltration of maternal T cells and accumulation of fetal macrophages into chorionic villi. VUE is…
January 4, 2024 / Front Cell Infect Microbiol

  • Manuel G, Coleman M, Orvis AS, Munson J, Li A, Kapur RP, Li M, Li E, Armistead B, Rajagopal L, Adams Waldorf KM
Background: Preterm birth is a leading cause of neonatal mortality, which is often complicated by intrauterine infection and inflammation. We have established a nonhuman primate model of Group B Streptococcus…
January 2, 2024 / Nat Cancer

  • Li Z, Pai R, Gupta S, … Chow PKH, Ginhoux F, Sharma A
Onco-fetal reprogramming of the tumor ecosystem induces fetal developmental signatures in the tumor microenvironment, leading to immunosuppressive features. Here, we employed single-cell RNA sequencing, spatial transcriptomics and bulk RNA sequencing…
December 22, 2023 / Clin Transl Med

  • Uddin MH, Al‐Hallak MN, Khan HY, Aboukameel A, Li Y, Bannoura SF, Dyson G, Kim S, Mzannar Y, Azar I, Odisho T, Mohamed A, Landesman Y, Kim S, Beydoun R, Mohammad RM, Philip PA, Shields AF, Azmi AS
Background: The majority of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) patients experience disease progression while on treatment with gemcitabine and nanoparticle albumin‐bound (nab)‐paclitaxel (GemPac) necessitating the need for a more effective treatment…
December 21, 2023 / Mater Today Bio

  • Bakkalci D, Georgina Al-Badri, Wei Yang, Andy Nam, Yan Liang, Syed Ali Khurram, Susan Heavey, Stefano Fedele, Umber Cheema
Stromal cells are key components of the tumour microenvironment (TME) and their incorporation into 3D engineered tumour-stroma models is essential for tumour mimicry. By engineering tumouroids with distinct tumour and…
December 18, 2023 / Cancers (Basel)

  • Qurat-Ul-Ain, Frei NF, Khoshiwal AM, Stougie P, Odze R, Camilleri-Broet S, Ferri L, Duits LC, Bergman J, Stachler MD
Characterization of the Barrett's esophagus (BE) microenvironment in patients with a known progression status, to determine how it may influence BE progression to esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC), has been understudied, hindering…
December 12, 2023 / Cancer Cell

  • Sun Y, Wu P, Zhang Z, Wang Z, Zhou K, Song M, Ji Y, Zang F, Lou L, Rao K, Wang P, Gu Y, Gu J, Lu B, Chen L, Pan X, Zhao X, Peng L, Liu D, Chen X, Wu K, Lin P, Wu L, Su Y, Du M, Hou Y, Yang X, Qiu S, Shi Y, Sun H, Zhou J, Huang X, Peng DH, Zhang L, Fan J
Comprehensive molecular analyses of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are lacking. Here, we generate multi-omic profiling of 257 primary and 176 metastatic regions from 182 HCC patients. Primary tumors rich in…
December 12, 2023 / Eur Urol

  • Beckabir W, Wobker SE, Damrauer JS, Midkiff B, De la Cruz G, Makarov V, Flick L, Woodcock MG, Grivas P, Bjurlin MA, Harrison MR, Vincent BG, Rose TL, Gupta S, Kim WY, Milowsky MI
BACKGROUND: Platinum-based neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) is standard for patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC). Pathologic response (complete: ypT0N0 and partial:
December 11, 2023 / Cancer Cell

  • Huang KK, Ma H, Chong RHH, Uchihara T, Lian BSX, Zhu F, Sheng T, Srivastava S, Tay ST, Sundar R, Tan ALK, Ong X, Lee M, Ho SWT, Lesluyes T, Ashktorab H, Smoot D, Van Loo P, Chua JS, Ramnarayanan K, Lau LHS, Gotoda T, Kim HS, Ang TL, Khor C, Lee JWJ, Tsao SKK, Yang WL, Teh M, Chung H, So JBY, Yeoh KG, Tan P
Intestinal metaplasia (IM) is a pre-malignant condition of the gastric mucosa associated with increased gastric cancer (GC) risk. Analyzing 1,256 gastric samples (1,152 IMs) across 692 subjects from a prospective…