nSolver™ Data Analysis Support

Below you will find general information, how-to guides, and webinars related to nSolver software.  Before you begin, please create an account to download the nSolver software from our website and to access the latest technical information.

NOTE: It is good practice to visit the Support Documentation section of our website on a regular basis to ensure that you are working with the most recent user manuals.

nSolver Software and User Guides

To download nSolver Software, visit the nSolver page and click on “Getting Started with nSolver Analysis Software” to view download options.

nSolver Advanced Analysis Module

To download the Advanced Analysis Software, visit the nSolver page and click on “Getting Started”. Step 2 contains the link for the Advanced Analysis software download.

nSolver video Tutorials

  • Technology Overview
    A high-level overview of nCounter gene expression technology and nSolver software. (7 minutes)
  • Software Installation (for Windows)
    A brief tutorial on how to download and install the nSolver software for Windows operating systems. (5 minutes)
  • Software Installation (for Mac)
    A brief tutorial on how to download and install the nSolver software for Mac operating systems. (5 minutes)
  • Data Import for Gene Expression Data
    This tutorial guides you through the process of importing data and performing QC in nSolver. We also briefly cover how to build an experiment and perform basic calculations with your data. (9 minutes)
  • Data QC for Gene Expression Data
    This tutorial provides an in depth look at the QC metrics used to analyze nCounter data, including a stepby-step instructions for how to perform data QC in nSolver. (14 minutes)
  • nSolver Experiment Wizard
    This tutorial reviews the Experiment Wizard within nSolver and how to navigate a basic analysis set-up. (13 minutes)
  • nSolver Basic Visualizations
    This review covers the heatmaps and plots that can be generated in nSolver software, as well as how to customize them. (11 minutes)
  • Advanced Analysis Visualizations
    This tutorial guides you through the set-up for an Advanced Analysis, and walks you through the various output visualizations and how to interpret them. (13 minutes)

For additional support regarding your nSolver analysis, please contact support@nanostring.com