OLD Category: elements
February 4, 2021 / Oncoimmunology
Ectopic CD137 expression by rhabdomyosarcoma provides selection advantages but allows immunotherapeutic targeting
February 1, 2021 / Infect Immun
Analysis of Staphylococcus aureus transcriptome in pediatric soft tissue abscesses and comparison to murine infections
January 22, 2021 / Acta Neuropathol
Supratentorial ependymoma in childhood: more than just RELA or YAP
January 1, 2021 / Transl Lung Cancer Res
Simultaneous analysis of ALK, RET, and ROS1 gene fusions by NanoString in Brazilian lung adenocarcinoma patients
December 23, 2020 / Diagnostics (Basel)
RNA-Based Multiplexing Assay for Routine Testing of Fusion and Splicing Variants in Cytological Samples of NSCLC Patients
October 13, 2020 / Stem Cell Reports
Comparison of 10 Control hPSC Lines for Drug Screening in an Engineered Heart Tissue Format
August 21, 2020 / Clin Cancer Res
Changes in peripheral and local tumor immunity after neoadjuvant chemotherapy reshape clinical outcomes in patients with breast cancer
November 13, 2019 / Epigenetics Chromatin
Folate deficiency induced H2A ubiquitination to lead to downregulated expression of genes involved in neural tube defects
November 3, 2019 / EMBO Mol Med.
Disease modeling of a mutation in α‐actinin 2 guides clinical therapy in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
July 18, 2019 / Neurogastroenterol Motil.