OLD Category: Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded
November 14, 2016 / BMC Clinical Pathology
Nucleic acid extraction from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded cancer cell line samples: a trade off between quantity and quality?
November 5, 2016 / J. Investigative Dermatology
MAGEA3 Expression in Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma is Associated with Advanced Tumor Stage and Poor Prognosis
October 19, 2016 / BMC. Medical Genomics
Adaptation of a RAS pathway activation signature from FF to FFPE tissues in colorectal cancer
September 28, 2016 / Int. J. Genomics
RNA Sequencing of Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded Specimens for Gene Expression Quantification and Data Mining
September 14, 2016 / Sci. Reports
Evaluation of frozen tissue-derived prognostic gene expression signatures in FFPE colorectal cancer samples
September 1, 2016 / Oncotarget
Modeling anti-IL-6 therapy using breast cancer patient-derived xenografts
August 18, 2016 / Mol. Neuroscience