OLD Category: stem cell technology
May 25, 2021 / Genes (Basel)
Generation and Genetic Correction of USH2A c.2299delG Mutation in Patient-Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
April 21, 2021 / Curr Psychiatry Rep
Modeling Psychiatric Disorder Biology with Stem Cells
March 31, 2021 / Cancer Treat Res Commun
Endometrial Stem/Progenitor cell (ES/PC) Marker Expression Profile in Adenosarcoma and Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma
March 22, 2021 / JCI Insight
Pioglitazone does not synergize with mirabegron to increase beige fat or further improve glucose metabolism
March 9, 2021 / Cancers (Basel)