2nd WEHI Spatial Technology Symposium
Learn how the best-in-class CosMx™ Spatial Molecular Imager is reshaping medical research.
The Spatial Technology Symposium is a hybrid event and will accept both on-premise and online attendees.
Would you like to meet spatial experts and learn about Spatial Biology and how the application of Spatial Multi-omics and single-cell imaging can be used to answer important research and clinical questions?
Join us to explore the Universe of Spatial Biology with GeoMx® Digital Spatial Profiler and the CosMx™ SMI for Spatial Single-Cell Imaging.
We will be showcasing our 6000-plex RNA panel – run on customer Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma samples.
The following day we will be having an exclusive workshop featuring high-grade glioma research conducted on both the GeoMx® DSP and CosMx™ SMI. We will also be conducting a live demonstration of the AtoMx Spatial Informatics Platform. Attendees will receive NanoString exclusive swag. Sign up for both events now!
The workshop will be followed by Pre-bookable Project Consultations with the NanoString team. Meet the experts to discuss how to apply spatial profiling to your research projects. To request your slot, contact Jonathan Teo at jteo@nanostring.com
Thursday: Gold Sponsor Keynote
Thursday, 15 June, 11.30 am
Davis Auditorium, WEHI
William Hwang MD, PhD
Assistant Professor
Harvard Medical School
William Hwang’s Publication on Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma using the GeoMx® Digital Spatial Profiler made the cover of Nature Genetics in August 2022.
He has since deepened his investigation using the CosMx™ Spatial Molecular Imager on both the 1000 and 6000-plex RNA panels. Don’t miss out on this exciting keynote presentation!
Sign up to attend the satellite workshop!
NanoString Exclusive Workshop
Time & Venue Change!
Friday, 16 June, 9 am – 11:30 pm
Level 7, WEHI Boardroom
Ian Potter Auditorium, Melbourne Brain Centre
Sarah Best, PhD
Laboratory Head, The Brain Cancer Centre
Walter and Eliza Hall Institue for Medical Research
Saskia Freytag, PhD
Laboratory Head, The Brain Cancer Centre
Walter and Eliza Hall Institue for Medical Research
Sarah Best, PhD and Saskia Freytag, PhD are co-laboratory heads of the brain cancer centre in the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute for Medical Research. They will be sharing their research on studying heterogeneity variance in high-grade-gliomas and their experience with both the GeoMx DSP and the CosMx SMI.
AtoMx Demonstration
We will be giving a live demonstration of the AtoMx Spatial Informatics Platform. Learn about the future of spatial data analysis and computation!
Project Consultation
Want to learn how your research can be turned spatial?
We will be having exclusive project consultation sessions across the 3 days. Email jteo@nanostring.com to book your slot!