nCounter® Grand Opening | ATC Turkey
The METU Cancer System Biology Laboratory (CanSyl), ATC and NanoString are please to invite you to celebrate the launch of nCounter® services! If you are curious about Gene Expression analysis and multiplexing please join us!
With nCounter® you will get Robust performance, Flexible assays and Efficient Workflow for your samples. We will also introduce Spatial Biology, an new field in expansion to get in situ information in biological samples.
Moderator: Dr. Yeşim Aydın Son
09.30 | Registration |
10.00 | Welcome and Opening by ATC |
10.15 | Introduction to NanoString technologies | 20 years of Gene Expression Excellence and Introduction to nCounter® technology by Enrico Dallepiatte, EMEA Sales Manager, NanoString |
10.45 | ATC and CanSyl service Offering |
11.00 | nCounter® experiences from CanSyl by Dr. Deniz Cansen Kahraman, METU, CanSyl |
11.20 | Coffee Break |
11.45 | Spatial Biology Roadmap | From tissue Digital Spatial Profiling to single cell Spatial Molecular Imaging by Aida Freire Valls, Technical Sales Specialist, NanoString |
12.15 | Use of Spatial Transcriptomics in Preclinical Studies by Dr. Açelya Yılmazer Aktuna, Ankara University, Biomedical Engineering |
12.45 | Q&A and Closing Remarks |
In partnership with


Deniz Cansen Kahraman
Senior Researcher, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi / Middle East Technical University

Enrico Dallepiatte
Distribution Sales Manager, NanoString Technologies

Aida Freire Valls
Technical Sales Specialist, NanoString