Spatial Biology is NOW: Accelerate your Stem Cell Studies with Spatial Multiomics
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Biology is inherently spatial, so why study stem cells in isolation? Join us to learn about the spatial biology revolution and how you can get high plex RNA and protein expression data in situ in stem cell-derived tissues. Gain a deeper understanding of stem cell differentiation and optimize organoid formation with the CosMx™ Spatial Molecular Imager (SMI) and the GeoMx® Digital Spatial Profiler (DSP). Track the differentiation of stem cells into organoid tissue by spatially profiling the expression of up to 6000 RNAs and 64 proteins at the single cell and subcellular level with CosMx SMI. Then, separately profile the whole transcriptome and select RNAs and proteins in distinct tissue compartments with GeoMx DSP. Store and analyze data with the AtoMx™ Spatial Informatics Platform, a scalable, cloud-based spatial informatics solution that lets you collaborate with your colleagues. Hear how the GeoMx Whole Transcriptome Atlas was used to study the infection of SARs-CoV-2 in brain organoids, revealing that the virus likely infects astrocytes through the NRP1 receptor. Infection led to an increase in expression of genes associated with the Type 1 interferon response, chromatic remodeling, and apoptosis, creating an environment that promotes neuronal dysfunction and may underlie CNS symptoms of COVID-19.