Discover what’s new in spatial biology | Oslo

Spatial Biology Roadshow
Radium Hospital, Room J3053 at J-Building (Stråletbygget)

NanoString invites you to join this seminar to find out how our technologies can extend your research possibilities from bulk gene expression and high-plex multiomic spatial biology to spatial single cell analysis.

Would you like to meet spatial experts and learn about Spatial Biology and how it can be used to answer important research and clinical questions?

Join us to explore the universe of spatial biology!


13:15Welcome and short introduction to nCounter® Bulk Gene Expression
Lene Berlick
13:30Explore the Universe of Spatial Biology with NanoString Technologies
Dr. Dorothee Preimel
14:30Coffee break
14:50Use of GeoMx® DSP in Translational Research | Spatial transcriptome profiling of pancreatic cancer
Helga Bergholtz, Institute for Cancer Research
15:20Wrap-up / Q&A

If you have any questions, or to book your project consultation, please contact Lene Berlick (


Lene Berlick

Senior Regional Account Manager, NanoString

Dorothee Preimel, PhD

Technical Sales Specialist, NanoString

Helga Bergholtz

Post-doctoral Researcher, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital