University of Colorado Denver Spatial Day

In-Person Seminar
University of Colorado, Denver, RC2 P15-3109

Join us in person for an overview of NanoString’s spatial biology technologies. Come learn more about GeoMx® Digital Spatial Profiler (DSP), CosMx™ Spatial Molecular Imager (SMI), and AtoMx™ Spatial Informatics Platform, the only cloud based, fully integrated informatics platform for spatial biology.

Come lean more about how NanoString’s comprehensive spatial portfolio is fueling research across the globe. Technical Sales Specialist, Chadd Dodds will be providing a live demo of the AtoMx SIP, the first cloud based informatics platform for spatial biology that enables researchers to perform image analysis and data visualization, utilize scalable cloud compute and storage, and collaborate globally with researchers across the globe.


Chad Dodds

Technical Sales Specialist

NanoString Technologies

Project Consultations

To schedule a meeting with your local NanoString support team to discuss any questions or get started on your upcoming projects, contact your Regional Account Manager, Spencer Servizi at

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