What’s new on the nCounter Analysis System? | Live from the CX Lab in Amsterdam
The nCounter® Analysis System provides a cost-effective automated solution for multiplex analysis of 800+ targets. During this webinar, we will review the easy-to-use workflow that requires just 15 minutes hands-on time and produces highly reproducible data, requiring no amplification or technical replicates in ~24 hours.
Connect on Dec 7th to see how researchers have used nCounter expression panels to move forward both preclinical and clinical research, to answer immuno-oncology questions.
Whereas other technologies require bioinformatics support and programming knowledge, we will show you how nCounter data can be quickly analyzed using a suite of intuitive analysis tools. Gain insights from your data and share publication-quality figures and statistical outputs faster than ever.
In addition, we will also update you on the latest panels and developments. From the enhanced features of the new nCounter Pro instrument to our new panels for cell and gene therapy optimization.
For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.