nCounter® miRGE Assay

Helping Your Research

Researchers know that simultaneous detection of subsets of mRNA and miRNA in total RNA for biomarker discovery can be tedious and time consuming. The nCounter miRGE assay is uniquely designed to provide a single-tube, sensitive, reproducible, and highly multiplexed method to detect multiple mRNAs and miRNAs simultaneously. 

  • Choose 5–30 miRNA targets from our pre-defined Human, Mouse, or Rat miRNA assays and 100-200 custom Human, Mouse, or Rat mRNA targets for simultaneous analysis 
  • Compatible with total RNA from FFPE, tissue, and cells 
  • No reverse transcription, no amplification, and fewer pipetting steps means less chance for errors and bias in results 

How It Works

The nCounter miRGE (miRNA and Gene Expression) Assay is designed to provide a single-tube, ultrasensitive, reproducible, and highly multiplexed method for detecting subsets of both mRNAs and miRNAs in total RNA across all biological levels of expression. After processing with an nCounter miRNA Sample Preparation Kit, mRNA and tagged miRNAs are detected in total RNA without the use of reverse transcription or amplification using nCounter Reporter Probes. The assay can be run on total RNA isolated from any source, including Formalin-Fixed Paraffin Embedded (FFPE) tissue samples. 

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Related Resources

See All Resources
Product Bulletin miRNA – Product Bulletin
Whitepaper Human miRNA – Whitepaper
App Note/Tech Note Tech Note – miRNA Analysis in Plasma and Serum

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