OLD Category: methods

September 4, 2023 / Int J Biol Sci

  • Du J, An ZJ, Huang ZF, Yang YC, Zhang MH, Fu XH, Shi WY, Hou J
Since its first application in 2016, spatial transcriptomics has become a rapidly evolving technology in recent years. Spatial transcriptomics enables transcriptomic data to be acquired from intact tissue sections and…
September 2, 2023 / Bioinformatics

  • Peters Couto BZ, Robertson N, Patrick E, Ghazanfar S
Motivation: Imaging-based spatial transcriptomics (ST) technologies have achieved subcellular resolution, enabling detection of individual molecules in their native tissue context. Data associated with these technologies promise unprecedented opportunity toward understanding…
September 1, 2023 / J Clin Transl Hepatol

  • Chen G, Xu W, Long Z, Chong Y, Lin B, Jie Y
The liver is the largest glandular organ in the body and has a unique distribution of cells and biomolecules. However, the treatment outcome of end-stage liver disease is extremely poor.…
August 29, 2023 / Biology

  • Ottaiano A, Ianniello M, Santorsola M, Ruggiero R, Sirica R, Sabbatino F, Perri F, Cascella M, Di Marzo M, Berretta M, Caraglia M, Nasti G, Savarese G
Cancer manifests as a multifaceted disease, characterized by aberrant cellular proliferation, survival, migration, and invasion. Tumors exhibit variances across diverse dimensions, encompassing genetic, epigenetic, and transcriptional realms. This heterogeneity poses…
August 26, 2023 / Adv Sci (Weinh)

  • Wang Q, Zhi Y, Zi M, Mo Y, Wang Y, Liao Q, Zhang S, Gong Z, Wang F, Zeng Z, Guo C, Xiong W
Single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) provides a great convenience for studying tumor occurrence and development for its ability to study gene expression at the individual cell level. However, patient-derived tumor…
August 17, 2023 / Mil Med Res

  • Wang WJ, Chu LX, He LY, Zhang MJ, Dang KT, Gao C, Ge QY, Wang ZG, Zhao XW
The respiratory system's complex cellular heterogeneity presents unique challenges to researchers in this field. Although bulk RNA sequencing and single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) have provided insights into cell types and…
August 12, 2023 / Immunol Cell Biol

  • Kulasinghe A, Wood F, Belz G
Spatial biology is a rapidly developing field which enables the visualization of protein and transcriptomic data while preserving tissue context and architecture. Initially used in discovery, there is growing promise…
August 10, 2023 / Cells

  • Chen TY, You L, Hardillo JAU, Chien MP
Spatial transcriptomic technologies enable measurement of expression levels of genes systematically throughout tissue space, deepening our understanding of cellular organizations and interactions within tissues as well as illuminating biological insights…
August 4, 2023 / Trends Biotechnol

  • Pierantoni L, Reis RL, Silva-Correia J, Oliveira JM, Heavey S
The fields of tissue bioengineering, -omics, and spatial biology are advancing rapidly, each offering the opportunity for a paradigm shift in breast cancer research. However, to date, collaboration between these…
August 4, 2023 / Science

  • Bill R, Wirapati P, Messemaker M, Roh W, Zitti B, Duval F, Kiss M, Park JC, Saal TM, Hoelzl J, Tarussio D, Benedetti F, Tissot S, Kandalaft L, Varrone M, Ciriello G, McKee TA, Monnier Y, Mermod M, Blaum EM, Gushterova I, Gonye ALK, Hacohen N, Getz G, Mempel TR, Klein AM, Weissleder R, Faquin WC, Sadow PM, Lin D, Pai SI, Sade-Feldman M, Pittet MJ
Tumor microenvironments (TMEs) influence cancer progression but are complex and often differ between patients. Considering that microenvironment variations may reveal rules governing intratumoral cellular programs and disease outcome, we focused…
August 4, 2023 / Science

  • Bressan D, Battistoni G, Hannon GJ
Spatial omics has been widely heralded as the new frontier in life sciences. This term encompasses a wide range of techniques that promise to transform many areas of biology and…
August 3, 2023 / Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol

  • Luo L, Leeper NJ
A primary goal of cardiologists is to identify and deliver targeted therapies to individuals at risk for myocardial infarction. Although the presence and severity of atherosclerosis is a commonly used…