OLD Category: pan cancer panels
November 2, 2021 / Cancer Med
Identifying a molecular profile to predict the risk of recurrence in high-intermediate risk endometrial cancer
November 1, 2021 / J Immunother Cancer
BT7480, a novel fully synthetic Bicycle tumor-targeted immune cell agonist™ (Bicycle TICA™) induces tumor localized CD137 agonism
November 1, 2021 / J Immunother Cancer
Synergy between Toxoplasma gondii type I DeltaGRA17 immunotherapy and PD-L1 checkpoint inhibition triggers the regression of targeted and distal tumors
November 1, 2021 / Mod Pathol
Recurrent CTNNB1 mutations in craniofacial osteomas
October 28, 2021 / Mol Syst Biol
SARS‐CoV‐2–host proteome interactions for antiviral drug discovery
October 26, 2021 / Cancers (Basel)
Expression Levels of RAD51 Inversely Correlate with Survival of Glioblastoma Patients
October 26, 2021 / J Pers Med
Low Tumor-to-Stroma Ratio Reflects Protective Role of Stroma against Prostate Cancer Progression
October 25, 2021 / iScience
Stabilin receptors clear LPS and control systemic inflammation
October 20, 2021 / J Immunother Cancer