GeoMx Whole Transcriptome Atlas Grant Program: Vancouver, BC
Open to Vancouver, BC Researchers
Researchers in Vancouver, BC are invited to apply for this unique grant program that enables the precise mapping of the whole transcriptome to user-defined regions of tissue using the GeoMx® Digital Spatial Profiler.
As part of this grant program, all necessary costs—including experimental reagents from NanoString and initial sequencing reagents from Illumina—will be covered. The two selected applicants will also benefit from comprehensive support throughout the project, including expert training and consultations aimed at optimizing experimental design, sample preparation, and data analysis to ensure robust results.
Full Transcriptome Spatial RNA Analysis
The GeoMx Human Whole Transcriptome Atlas (GeoMx Hs WTA) provides an unbiased view of 18,000+ protein-coding genes. The GeoMx Hs WTA unlocks new pathways to be explored by researchers and enables GeoMx RNA profiling in oncology, immunology, neuroscience, developmental biology, and other diverse fields. GeoMx Hs WTA provides robust and sensitive performance on FFPE or Fresh Frozen samples.
Using the GeoMx Mouse Whole Transcriptome Assay, one can apply spatial transcriptomics to reveal the tissue architecture and underlying function in genetically modified mouse models. Mouse models serve a critical role in understanding developmental biology, disease onset, progression, and treatment.
Project Design Example
- 1 sample per slide with 48 collections per sample
- 2 samples per slide with 24 collections per sample
- 3 samples per slide with 16 collections per sample
- 4 samples per slide with 12 collections per sample
Award Details
- 2 slides worth of the WTA probes (Hu or Ms) with 192 total collections
- Required reagents for the project – Provided by NanoString & project will be run at the UBC MAPcore
- 1 x P2 flow cell (400 million reads) & sequencing costs – Provided by Illumina
- Project and data analysis consultation
- Commercially available morphology kits of your choice:
- Solid Tumor Kit: Pan-CK, CD45, and SYTO13 nuclear stain
- Melanoma kit: S100B/Pmel17, CD45, and nuclear stain
- Alzheimer’s kit: amyloid-beta, Iba-1, and nuclear stain
- Parkinson’s kit: alpha-synuclein, MAP-2, and nuclear stain
Application Form
This grant is not currently accepting applications.