4th Danish Single-Cell Symposium: Technology Towards Cell Biology and Medicine

University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Odense

The fourth meeting of the Danish Single-Cell community takes place at the University of Southern Denmark. It is a two-day event combining the annual meetings of the Danish Single-Cell Network and the CellX (Danish Single Cell Examination Platform).

The program includes exciting sessions on topics including Single cell wet-lab biotechnologies, imaging applications, Single-cell proteomics, and computational omics. There will plenty of opportunities to present your work at the poster session, network with colleagues and collaborators, and talk to exhibitors.

You can meet the NanoString team by visiting our booth or scheduling a meeting with Reija Laitinen.

NanoString Pitch presentation | Friday May 3rd | 12:10 – 12:45

Join us for the NanoString pitch where we will explore the benefits of implementing spatial multiomics in your research. See how GeoMx®™ Digital Spatial Profiler (DSP) and CosMx ™ Spatial Molecular Imager (SMI) create the complete spatial biology solution to support your research at every stage, from pre-clinical to translational to clinical development. Learn about our newest products:

•Discover the new CosMx™ Human 6K Discovery Panel 

•Profile 570+ proteins on one slide with GeoMx® IO Proteome Atlas


Reija Laitinen

Regional Account Manager, NanoString Technologies

Christoph König

Senior Product Application Scientist, NanoString