Exploring Biological Structures: A Deep Dive into Morphology Markers
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Join Field Application Scientist, Jasmine Madrigal, as she presents a deep dive on morphology marker optimization and what are the implications in changing various conditions during morphology marker troubleshooting. We will also be covering the recently released tech note and its application in verifying morphology markers for GeoMx projects.
Morphology markers are biological molecules identified as reliable probes for histological techniques such as immunohistochemistry (IHC) and in situ hybridization (ISH) that allow for microscopic visualization of tissue structures. Most commonly, fluorescently labeled antibodies and oligonucleotides are used as visualization probes to identify the anatomical structures, cell types, and tissue compartments present in each section of interest. Specific landmarks chosen as targets to probe, or mark, orient the observer to the tissue morphology for selecting and segmenting regions of interest (ROIs) for high-plex spatial multiomics of FFPE and fresh frozen tissue sections such as that done with the GeoMx® Digital Spatial Profiler.
