Glial Profiling Panel
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Comprehensively study the role of astrocytes, microglia, and oligodendrocytes in health and disease with the nCounter Glial Profiling Panel. Decipher the complex interplay between glial cells, peripheral immune cells, and neurons that underlies neurodegenerative & neuroinflammatory disorders and neurotrauma such as stroke, spinal cord injury, and traumatic brain injury.
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Spatial transcriptomics reveals molecular dysfunction associated with cortical Lewy pathology
A key hallmark of Parkinson’s disease (PD) is Lewy pathology. Composed of α-synuclein, Lewy pathology is found both in dopaminergic neurons that modulate motor function, and cortical regions that control cognitive function.
Digital spatial profiling of segmental outflow regions in trabecular meshwork reveals a role for ADAM15
In this study we used a spatial transcriptomics approach to identify genes specifically associated with either high or low outflow regions in the trabecular meshwork (TM) that could potentially affect aqueous humor outflow in vivo. High and low outflow regions were identified and isolated from organ cultured human anterior segments perfused with fluorescently-labeled 200 nm FluoSpheres.
Clinically relevant molecular hallmarks of PFA ependymomas display intratumoral heterogeneity and correlate with tumor morphology
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