NanoString Blog
Meet our Outstanding Colleagues: Elizabeth
We call ourselves NanoStringers, and we bleed green! We proudly believe in the science and technology we make here. Meet us. You will love us! Elizabeth Ph.D., Senior Global Marketing…
GeoMx DSP Grants Spatial Transcriptomics
Standing Out in Space: Tips for Winning a Spatial Biology Grant
Nature Methods is a leading journal for molecular biologists interested in the latest and greatest life sciences research techniques. Each year since 2007, Nature Methods chooses a method to feature…
Data Analysis Multiomics Spatial Analysis
GeomxTools: An Open Source Package for Spatial Biology Data Analysis
Spatial biology is the new frontier of molecular biology that has revolutionized the study of gene and protein expression. Until recently, expression patterns were obtained via bulk sequencing or single-cell…
Digital Spatial Profiling GeoMx DSP Spatial Transcriptomics
A new map for our anatomy: the Spatial Organ Atlas
One year for spring break, we found ourselves in Portland, Oregon. For science-y people, a trip to Portland would be incomplete without a visit to the Oregon Museum of Science…
Data Security nCounter
Is your Lab Secure? Exploring the New Cyberbiosecurity World
As someone who is involved in molecular biology research, how often do you think about cybersecurity? Occasionally? Never? Perhaps you only think about them when you receive an email from…
Multiomics Spatial Analysis Spatial Transcriptomics
GeoMx® DSP Integrated with Sequencing Run Planning for NextSeq 1000/2000
Illumina and NanoString® collaborated further to pair the GeoMx® DSP with NGS readout from Illumina sequencing instruments. This partnership enables scalability and high throughput of whole transcriptomes and protein abundance…
Five Key Milestones in the History of Research in Cancer Biology
On a cold snowy day in late November 2016, I sat with my father-in-law at the infusion clinic in the local hospital. I was visiting Pennsylvania for my mother-in-law’s funeral.…
GeoMx DSP Infectious Disease
The GeoMx® Digital Spatial Profiler is Aiding Global Infectious Disease Researchers to Reveal How the Immune System Responds to HIV
Imagine a world without HIV The innate immune response is the first line of defense against the pathogen during a viral infection. Only later the adaptive immune response develops in…
Spatial Biology Spatial Molecular Imaging Spatial Transcriptomics
How Do I Choose the Right Spatial Biology Technology?
What is Spatial Biology? The rapidly evolving field of spatial biology investigates the spatial location and organization of gene expression in situ within each cell and structure of a given tissue sample.…
Infectious Disease nCounter
An nCounter® in The Gambia: An interview with Tuberculosis Researcher Jayne Sutherland
NSTG: Jayne, it’s so lovely to meet you. Could you tell us about your background and your research interests? Jayne Sutherland: I’m an immunologist by training; for my Ph.D., I studied cancer.…
GeoMx DSP Neuroscience Spatial Biology
What is Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy?
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease affecting people who have suffered repeated concussions and traumatic brain injuries (TBI). CTE was first described in 1928 by Dr. Harrison…
GeoMx DSP Spatial Biology Spatial Molecular Imaging Spatial Transcriptomics
Spatial Revolution: An Exciting Future for Cancer Biology Research
Many years ago, I was playing hide and seek with my cousins at my grandparent’s house. I was “it” and couldn’t seem to find one of my cousins anywhere. After…