NanoString Blog
Author: Laura Tabellini Pierre
Multiomics Spatial Analysis Spatial Transcriptomics
Integrated Spatial Multiomics Deconvolve Multicellular Dynamics in Pancreatic Cancer
In an extraordinary team effort led by the Center for Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School, in collaboration with NanoString, scientist Will Hwang and colleagues used integrated spatial multiomic and…
Digital Spatial Profiling Multiomics Spatial Analysis Spatial Transcriptomics
Spatial Multiomics Identifies New Actionable Therapeutic Targets
Pancreatic cancer represents 3% of the overall cancers in America and yet is responsible for 7% of all cancer deaths. The five-year relative survival rate – the cancer-related death rate…
GeoMx DSP Spatial Biology Spatial Transcriptomics
Spatial Transcriptomic Services: Azenta Life Sciences Paves the Way.
Azenta Life Sciences, formerly known as GENEWIZ, has been serving the academic and biopharma markets with its comprehensive next-generation sequencing services (NGS) since 1999. Their extensive website of Services makes…
Gx Profiling Made Easy: The Birth of nCounter®
Nanostring: noun; a piece of DNA (probe) attached to a linear sequence of fluorophores made up of four different colors (barcode). Each probe is complementary to a unique target oligonucleotide.…
Digital Spatial Profiling Spatial Biology
The Importance of Segmentation in Spatial Biology
In a highly interconnected world, clear communication and information across the globe are critical. The same is true at the tissue and cellular levels. Cells communicate through chemical signals such…
Meet the New Brainiacs in the Fight Against Neurological Diseases
The Liddelow Lab is part of the Neuroscience Institute at NYU Langone. The lab’s research focus is astrocytes and their involvement in human neurological diseases. The team discovered that different…
Data Analysis nCounter
Gene Expression and Data Analysis Tools: A Cali Core Facility’s Story
ROSALIND is a cloud-based gene expression and genomic data analysis tool designed for life scientists. In October 2020, NanoString® Technologies and ROSALIND announced a partnership to grant global access to…
What is the Next Frontier in Cellular Therapy?
In early June 2021, NanoString and the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy (PICI) announced a multi-center collaboration to characterize 800 CAR-T samples in a unique and concerted effort to understand…
Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
What is Regenerative Medicine?
Regenerative medicine harnesses tissue renewal’s ability to develop methods for repairing, replacing, and regenerating damaged tissues. What are examples of regenerative medicine? Regenerative medicine uses gene therapy, tissue engineering, transplant,…
Clinical Research nCounter
How a Molecular Diagnostics Company is Changing Cancer Research
Molecular diagnostics, or molecular pathology, refers to a range of tests and high-throughput methods analyzing the genome to detect, diagnose, and treat diseases. The ultimate goal is to achieve personalized…
Digital Spatial Profiling GeoMx DSP Spatial Biology Spatial Transcriptomics
Spatial Transcriptomics: Birth of GeoMx® Digital Spatial Profiler
“A rose started off a bud, a bird started off an egg, and a forest started off a seed.” (Matshona Dhliwayo, author and philosopher). It may seem odd, but the…
Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
Pluripotent Stem Cells: How to Best Use Them in Your Research
Pluripotent stem cells, whether embryonic or induced (ES cells and IPS cells) are an attractive option for cell therapy as they can proliferate infinitely and differentiate into any tissue. Scientists…